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Leadership Perspectives
Getting better ROI from your team building efforts
Your team offsite won’t deliver sustainable team development.
There I’ve said it.
Yes, they’re typically scheduled and designed with best intentions. But let’s take a look at why a single (even if they are multi-day) session can’t possibly provide the fertile ground required for your team to flourish.
There is no “right time” for an offsite.
Is holacracy just a whole lot of BS?
Creating self-managing, self-sustaining systems of work seems like a great idea doesn’t it?. Giving people freedom to be creative and solve problems makes sense for both the individual and the customers they serve. You’ll hear no argument from me about putting decision making as close as possible to the customer.
But here’s the thing….
not every individual, function or even organisation is ready for the level of autonomy that comes with holacracy.
4 tips for powering up your questions
To improve the power of your questions, try these 4 strategies:
Ask the obvious—I’ll bet there were times when you held back a question because you thought it was obvious or ‘dumb’. More often than not, those simple questions generate the most valuable discussions, so make sure you ask them.
Sharpen your listening - look for gaps, unexplained assumptions or areas that need further exploration
Focus on clarity and specificity - ask yourself, ‘What is the simplest, most straightforward way I can ask my question?’
Seek question superstars - have you heard someone ask a question and thought, ‘I wish I’d asked that’? They might be one of your question superstars. Listen carefully to the questions they ask. Try to analyse the questions and ask them how they come up with them.
The difference between reflection and learning - does it even matter?
Reflection is often a key driver of learning. We gather insights from the past and declare some intentions for how we will do things differently next time.
Here’s the thing… when ‘next time’ comes, we may have forgotten the reflections from the last project. Or maybe there are different people involved who aren’t even aware of the insights from last time. When that happens, we’re doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
That’s why recognising the distinction between reflection and learning really matters - because if we don’t pay attention to both, we risk wasting time, effort and money - and that reduces our impact.