Quick Question: What does it mean (to us) to be a team?
Quick Question
Here is today's quick question for you...What does it mean (to us) to be a team?
Ask it when you're...
Introducing a new structure - Uncertainty features in any restructure, no matter how small. New teams galvanise around shared values and principles - which emerge through understanding what it means to be a team.
Role modelling your desired leadership culture - Demonstrating a genuine desire to understand your team will help build a culture of openness and inclusivity.
Observing unhelpful behaviours - In asking for high performance, you’re likely to see a range of behaviours in the team. Some are highly individualistic and perhaps even destructive. You can set the standard by aligning on what it means to be a team.
Listen for...
Often, a question like this will elicit flippant or cliched responses. Dig deep to understand the underlying meaning behind your team’s responses.
Try to listen for:
Values & Motivations - find out what is driving someone to want to be part of this team at this time
Relevant History & Experience - what stories are your team carrying with them about good and bad teams from the past
Potential Clashes - differences in your team that may create unnecessary conflict.
This question helps team members collaborate both effectively and efficiently and make your values more than words on a poster.
Follow up with...
Sometimes, the greatest value comes from the one extra question you take the time to ask.
In this situation, you could try…
What do we need to do to achieve our outcomes together?
What could go wrong for us as a team?
What would our ‘dream feedback’ be for this team?
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