Quick Question: Which conversations strengthen our team?

Quick Question

Here is today's quick question for you...Which conversations strengthen our team?

Ask it when you're...

  1. Reflecting on your ways of working  - As your team drives for success, it’s important to reflect on which habits and rituals are helping you get there (and which ones aren’t!)

  2. Wondering what’s missing - Sometimes, identifying the (important) conversations you’re not having can make the biggest difference to your team's effectiveness.

  3. Comparing notes with peers - It can be helpful to have open conversations with peers about conversations that have forged new bonds in your respective teams. They may be able to offer new perspectives by sharing their experiences and analysing yours.

Listen for...

When reflecting, think about both the positive, energising conversations that feel like you’re building something - and the ones that feel draining and tough to get through. Ultimately, both have the potential to strengthen relationships in the team.

Try to listen for:

  • New collective thinking patterns -  these often demonstrate something new in the team dynamic.

  • Increased appetite for collaboration - as the team bonds strengthen, members are more likely to seek each other out.

  • Potential Clashes  - differences in your team that may create unnecessary conflict.

This question helps team members focus on the conversations that really matter.

Follow up with...

Sometimes, the greatest value comes from the one extra question you take the time to ask.

In this situation, you could try…

  • When did you notice a change in our interactions?

  • What do you wish I would ask about in our team meetings?

  • What topics do we avoid?

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